21世紀の果実 ブルーベリー /ビルベリー fruit of the 21st century blueberry /bilberry |
ブルーベリー /ビルベリー blueberry /bilberry |
ブルーベリーは 150種類の品種があります。 今やブルベリーは 食以外にも、 健康食品や薬の原料として、 幅広く研究されています。 There are 150 varieties of blueberries. Today, blueberries are widely researched not only as food but also as raw materials for health foods and medicines. |
栽培種 cultivar |

ハイブッシュ high bush |

ラビットアイ rabbit eye |
野生種 wild species |

ローブッシュ low bush |

ビルベリー bilberry |
ブルーベリーの 品種別収穫風景 Harvest of blueberries by variety |
栽培種:ハイブッシュ cultivar/high bush |

野生種:ローブッシュ(ビルベリー) wild species/low bush(bilberry) |

ビルベリーは 原生林の奥まで分け入り 果実を手で収穫する 大変な重労働です。 Harvesting bilberries is very hard work, as they must go deep into the virgin forest and pick the fruits by hand. |
北欧の大自然が ビルベリーを育てます Bilberries are grown in the great outdoors of Northern Europe. |
希少な野生種ビルベリーは 北欧だけに育ち、 中でもスウェーデン産は 最高品種で、医薬品の 原料とされています。 Wild bilberries are rare and grow only in Northern Europe. Among them, the Swedish bilberry is the best variety and is used as a raw material for medicines. |

ビルベリーは色素を 豊富に蓄えます。 Bilberries are rich in pigment. |
白夜の太陽の紫外線から 大切な種子を守るため ビルベリーは 果肉の中にまで 色素を蓄えます。 Bilberries store pigments in their flesh to protect their important seeds from the ultraviolet rays of the sun during the midnight sun. |

ビルベリーが実る夏、 北欧では太陽が沈まない 白夜が続く In the summer when bilberries grow, the white nights continue in Northern Europe where the sun never sets. |

収穫されたビルベリーのジャム Harvested bilberry jam |

氷河に削られた フィヨルドが見られる 北欧の風景 Nordic landscape with glacier-carved fjords |

氷河は夏でも解けない Glaciers don't melt even in summer |
ビルベリーの断面 Bilberry cross section |
皮の部分だけ 青紫色の栽培種(左)と ビルベリー(右)では、 青紫色の色素の量の違いは 一目瞭然です。 The difference in the amount of pigment between the cultivar (left), whose skin is bluish-purple, and the bilberry, which is bluish-purple (right), is obvious. |

アントシアニンは 目の疲れに有効 Anthocyanin is effective for eye fatigue. |
■The blue-violet pigment is called anthocyanin.
■Anthocyanins activate rhodopsin in photoreceptors.
■Rhodopsin repeats decomposition and resynthesis, converts light into electrical signals, and transmits them to the brain.

アントシアニンの作用(1) Action of anthocyanins(1) |
眼科医の実証 葉山眼科クリニック院長 ophthalmologist proof Director of Hayama Eye Clinic |

■近視の人………………70% (100人対象)
■眼精疲労の人…………ほぼ100% (30人対象)
アントシアニンが 効果の決め手 Anthocyanin is the decisive factor |
アントシアニンの作用(2) Action of anthocyanins(2) |
■抗酸化作用、抗酸化の秘密はアントシアニン ●体内の活性酸素を抑え、ガンなどの生活習慣病を阻止 ●抗酸化力は43種類の果実・野菜の中でNo.1! ■The secret of antioxidant action is in anthocyanin. ●Anthocyanin suppresses active oxygen in the body and prevents lifestyle-related diseases such as cancer. ●The antioxidant power of anthocyanin is No. 1 among 43 kinds of fruits and vegetables. |
抗酸化作用はチャンピオン級 天然のまま飲むジュースが 最適 Antioxidants are champions. Juices that are consumed naturally are best. |

● Among vegetables and fruits, blueberries are by far the best in terms of antioxidant activity that eliminates active oxygen, which is the enemy of health.
●In addition, it contains 26 kinds of ingredients necessary for health, such as dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, zinc, β-carotene, and vitamin A.
● In order to take these important ingredients, it is ideal to drink blueberries as natural juice.
アントシアニンの作用(3) Action of anthocyanins(3) |
美白美肌効果 whitening skin effect |
● Anthocyanin has three actions on collagen.
1) Promote and strengthen the synthesis of collagen.
2) Suppresses the action of enzymes that destroy collagen and suppresses inflammation.
3) Relax your muscles.
●Stop skin aging.
●Protect your skin from UV rays.
● Brings a rejuvenating effect.

ビルベリーの 豊富な栄養素 Rich nutrients in bilberry |

■ Bilberry contains well-balanced nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids that tend to be deficient.
■ Bilberry contains all eight essential amino acids.
(phenylalanine, tryptophan, methionine, lysine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, valine)
■ Bilberry has an intestinal function.
●Bilberry's dietary fiber cleanses the intestines and prevents colon cancer.
● Constipation is a source of all kinds of diseases. Prevents and improves constipation.
●It is also used as a diarrhea treatment.